Wednesday, December 12, 2012

600th post

Oh, man.

600 posts feel like they mostly just rolled off the tongue, and now, suddenly, I am truly, deeply stumped.  Either out of things to say or in that place of feeling that it has all been said before.

I was just saying to an old friend the other day that I generally believe in just not posting when I have nothing to post.  No need to apologize, to explain myself.  You guys get that this is free content, that I share it because I love it, that I'm not getting paid for the time that goes in here.  This is the freedom, I waxed on, about being a tiny little SMALL blog: less pressure.  But also, I am realizing now, more personal.  Because it is not my job, it's just me.  My voice, my work, my ideas.  Vulnerable, right?

Over the last few days, I've noticed something.  My "follower" numbers are going in the wrong direction.  Three of you have broken up with me.  I wish I could say I don't care, but oh, I do.  I do!  And I get it, I do.  You're just not that into me.  Or you followed because of some giveaway.  Or you're cleaning out your google reader.  Or you're over the blogs.  (There's a bit of that backlash afoot, have you noticed?)  As I have watched the little number tick up at a snail's pace over the past two years, I have thrilled to each one of you signing on.  I have told myself how unspeakably cool it is that all of you come here to see what I am working on, or to read what I have to say.  (It is unspeakably cool!)  But now these little desertions feel like confirmation of what I have been feeling for a little while:  that perhaps it is time to take a break.  Or move on.

Here's the thing.  I'm a drama queen.  I am.  If I ever try to deny it, just look at my 6 year-old throwing her theatrics and point and say, SEE!  There it is.  Just like you.  And I won't even try to deny it.

But this isn't that.  This is me just a little discouraged.  I'm sorry to drag you into it.  But I fear if I stay away too long without explanation, more of you will be gone when I come back.

Which, by the way, could be tomorrow, now's I got this off my chest.

Did I mention that it was my birthday Monday?  Do you think maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of 38?

Tell me friends: how do you get yourself out of a funk?  So far, all those action movies I've been escaping to aren't really doing it.  I just fall asleep.  Surely, there is a better way?


  1. Hey girl - I know exactly how you feel and have posted once in two weeks. I was thrilled with every single follower and then after two hundred I also was very hurt/discouraged when one or two would drop off. I think it might be time to stop blogging for a while and if I do start back up, maybe a different type of blog. Don't feel bad if it just isn't part of your life anymore. There are too many blogs and everyone is writing about the same things...Happy bday! It will get better...
    xoxo -e (modern24seven)

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! I know I am not alone--a common plight among the "small but good" blogs. I just found myself thinking that I feel even worse after posting this and that I should suck it up or get out. We shall see....Always appreciate your insight and honesty.

  2. Wow, 600 posts is an a huge commitment. I think all bloggers struggle with this from time to time. Sometimes there's just nothing to say - and it's surely all been said before. I agree about not apologizing for lack of posting - it's your blog and you should post when inspired to do so.

  3. Oh, Heather, don't be discouraged. If anything, you should be commended for 600 posts! That's crazy! But I agree that it's hard to stay motivated when you don't see growth at the pace you'd like. It's always fun visiting you here and reading about your latest project.

    1. Hi Ashley! Thanks for your encouragement, as always. The truth is, I know what I need to do to grow the blog, but I just don't want to do it. (learn to take better photos, up the social media, etc etc). So it's time to accept that and move on. Thanks for continuing to visit.


Let me know what you think. I love hearing from you!


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