Friday, December 13, 2013


My aunt sent me Kathryn M. Ireland's latest book for my birthday.

("What does the M stand for," my 5 year old wants to know.)

Of course I have been tearing into it like the crazed disciple I have become, and I've noticed something that Kathryn M. Ireland uses a lot, and often in different ways.

Do you see it?  (Did I make it too obvious?)  I can't find my favorite example on line and, quite frankly, I'm feeling too spent to bother with the scanner.

Maybe I'm just tuning into it because it's something I'm seeing everywhere lately.  More on that tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. What is it that you see? The white walls? Colorful patterns? Warmth of wood? It's going to drive me nuts, so it's ok if you email me your answer.


Let me know what you think. I love hearing from you!


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