Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Screen porches and outdoor rooms

It snowed here last week.
But yesterday the Forsythia were in full bloom and the time to get outside is coming, even here in the northlands.

I put together these screened porch looks for a new client and thought I'd share the ones we didn't go with.  The trick with mixing outdoor items is in the materials--unlike an indoor living room, most affordable outdoor pieces have exposed frames and there's less fabric all along.  In these looks I limited my frames to 2 materials and kept the palette tight.

They are putting new windows into the porch which means install is maybe 6 weeks away, but I can't wait to see this one come to life!


  1. The 2nd & 4th ones were my favorites. Someday maybe I'll have a private backyard. Then I can buy all the pretty things you've shown.


Let me know what you think. I love hearing from you!


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